9 Strategies To Build Your Email List

Building an email list is the process of collecting the email address of prospects who might become your customers. Among those prospects are site visitors as well as other users. It is an email marketing strategy. A study found that 60% of customers are either positively or negatively influenced by email marketing. This means that email marketing is an effective way to increase your business if done properly. To do that, you need an email list of people to whom you can send emails. This is why you need to build an email list.

Here are nine strategies you can use to build your email list.

1. Use Signup Forms

A signup form is an easy and effective way to build your email list. Its sole purpose is to collect user information. However, a random signup form is not enough. It is important to make your signup form attractive to catch visitors’ attention. Be sure the signup form has a clear heading, input fields that are not too many, and allows the user to choose his/her preferences. You can place signup forms in different places on your website. It can be used as an inline form, pop-up form, landing page form, etc.

2. Use Pop-ups and Overlay

According to a study, the conversion rate of pop-ups and overlays on average is 4%. Therefore, pop-ups can be a good way to build your email list and increase your business. A pop-up can be used in different ways. You can use it as a welcome pop-up to welcome users to your site or as a timed pop-up that appears after the visitors have spent some time on your site, and more. But saying so, be careful while using pop-ups and do follow Google’s interstitial ad guidelines.  

3. Engage Through Social Media

Social media is one of the fastest-growing platforms today. You can use social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. to build your email list. You can create lead-generating ads, promote gated content, create contests and giveaways and much more. Most people nowadays use social media, so it is an effective way to interact with potential customers and grow your email list.

4. Conduct Contests and Giveaways

Conducting contests and giveaways that require users to enter with their email addresses can be another way of building your email list. A free giveaway can be an option to attract users. According to a study, more than 30% of the users that participate in contests and giveaways are open to further marketing emails. You can conduct these contests and giveaways on your website or through your social media.

5. Create Good Email Content

Building your email list is not enough; you also need to retain your current customers. For that, your email content must be exciting, informative and useful. It should provide some value to the customers. If not, your customers will simply ignore your email. If your content is good, users might forward it to their friends and relatives. This can help you get more customers.

6. Give Discounts To Users That Sign Up

Providing discount can be another option to build your email list. You can provide discounts to users who sign up. Additionally, you can offer various deals that can attract users. You can use pop-ups and overlays to showcase various discounts and deals. You can also offer various discounts to current customers if they bring in new customers.

7. Invite To Sign Up Using Notification

Another email list building strategy is making the use of notifications. People are so busy in their life nowadays that they forget about things. So, notifications are a way of reminding customers about a specific sale, offer, giveaway etc. You can also use it as a tool to get email addresses. You can offer notification service to users that sign up. These notifications can be about pre sale offers, new arrivals, discounts and more.

8. Include Opt-in Fields At Check Out

In the case of online shopping, users will be more comfortable if they receive a confirmation email of their order as well as regular updates on the progress of the order. This allows you to include an opt-in field to get email information of the users. This way users will also be willing to give information. But make sure the field is not pre-checked as it is against the GDPR rules.

9. Offer Exclusive Content For Signing Up

You can provide exclusive content or offers to the visitors in exchange for their email address. Depending on the type of your website, this could include exclusive members-only sales, gated contents, articles etc. You can also add discount offers and deals to the mix.