March 14th, 2024 by hemu

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October 12th, 2023 by hemu

Can I show my Instagram/Facebook links on my YouTube Feed?

February 24th, 2021 by hemu

Yes, you can display multiple social media links on your YouTube feed with a beautiful icon. YourChannel allows you to display more than 10 social media links on your YouTube feed.

How To Sort YouTube Videos in YourChannel?

February 24th, 2021 by hemu

With YourChannel Pro you can sort videos by views, latest, likes, title, title descending. Simply navigate to the Default Sorting option in YourChannel settings and sort the videos according to your need. You can also use the shortcode option to sort videos. Add sortby = “sorting_method” to your shortcode. You can replace “sorting_method” with views, […]

Can I blacklist/filter YouTube comments?

February 24th, 2021 by hemu

Yes, you can blacklist/filter comments from Youtube. With YourChannel Pro, you have the feature to filter your comments. You can simply add the keywords and phrases to the blacklist option and they won’t be displayed on your website. Under the Comments option, there is Blacklist words. Here, add all the words and phrases you don’t […]

How To Create YouTube API Key

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

1. Go to . Scroll down and click on YouTube Data API v3. 2. If you have not already created Google Cloud Project to link with API you will see the screen as shown in the below screenshot. Click on the Enable button. Note: If you have already created Google Cloud Project you will […]

Get Started With Your First Waiting/Countdown Timer Setup

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

1. Once you’ve installed the plugin, go to WordPress DashBoard > Waiting. 2. Enter the countdown name that must be unique if you are making multiple countdowns with different settings. Enter Countdown To date or Duration, Countdown From date, and check the Units that you want to show on your countdown. 3. Click on the […]

What Happens When a Countdown Finishes off

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

When the countdown finishes off you can create multiple events. The events or actions that you can select on countdown finish are as shown in the below screenshot. Hide Countdown: You can hide the countdown timer on the finish. In the below example, the countdown timer will hide after 50 seconds. Play YouTube or Vimeo […]

Can I Display Same Countdown Timer Multiple Times on the Same Page?

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

Yes, just copy-paste the shortcode as many times as you want. You can put multiple offers on the same page with the Waiting plugin. Visit Waiting-Demos for multiple countdown timer demos.  

How Do I Remove For Example Hours Field

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

Yes, you can easily remove any field according to your need. Just check the Units that you want to display on your countdown timer.

How To Display Custom Text With Countdown Timer

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

You can display text according to your need along with the timer with multiple alignments and styles. You can show sticky sale offers with a countdown at the bottom/top of screens. Check the Offer mode > Enable, set your style and change the text inside the Offer text-area according to your need.

How To Translate Years, Months, Days, etc to Different Language

February 5th, 2021 by hemu

You can use Quick Translation to translate time units to a different language.

Waiting Free Version Installation

February 4th, 2021 by hemu

1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. 2. Search Waiting, click on Install Now. After installing, click on Activate to activate the plugin. 3. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Waiting. 4. After installing the Waiting follow this link to set up your first Waiting/Countdown Timer.

Can I Customize the Countdown Timer

February 4th, 2021 by hemu

Yes, you can customize the countdown timer with countless eye-catching 3D animations and different colors. You have 600+ fonts to choose from. Customize width, height, font-size, colors, alignment, margin. You can change the background color and color of Units and Labels. For the video tutorial check out our video.

How To Add Custom Video Start Time and Initial Player Volume

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

YourChannel Pro version provides us a feature to add Custom Video Start Time and Initial Start Volume To add Custom Video Start Time: Add start=”n” to the shortcode. Replace n with a number of seconds to start at.Below is an example: You want to start the video at 30sec.Now the shortcode looks like [yourchannel user=”Red […]

How To Set The Limit For The Number of Videos Per Load?

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

You can do this by adding the option limit=”n”to your shortcode. If you want to show the maximum number of videos use max=”n”(There won’t be a Load more button after this many videos are shown). For example: If you want to load 20 videos per load then put limit=”20″ in the shortcode. And if you […]

How Can I Autoplay YouTube Video

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

You can autoplay YouTube video by two methods: 1. From YourChannel Settings page Go to Style > Show Options > Player, check Preload a video, and enter the ID or URL of the video that you want to Autoload. Leave the input field empty to load the first video and click on the Save button […]

How To Embed Single YouTube Video?

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

See demo of single videos here. 1. After installing YourChannel, go to WordPress Dashboard. Go to Settings > YourChannel. 2. Enter YouTube Username or Channel ID, then click on the Check button. YourChannel will create your channel’s preview below the form. Note: If you see any error like YouTube quota exceeded or just Loading…, please […]

How Can I Blacklist or Moderate YouTube Videos in the Feed

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

YourChannel Pro allows us to Blacklists or Whitelists any playlist or video. This feature can be used to:- Hide videos or playlist that contains abusive or offensive content. Hide videos or playlist containing competitor’s brand name, content etc. You can filter/moderate your feeds using the Blacklists & Whitelists > Show Options in the plugin. 1. […]

How Do I Embed Videos of a YouTube Playlist?

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

YourChannel Pro provides us with a feature to embed videos of a YouTube playlist in the Videos tab. 1. After installing YourChannel, go to WordPress Dashboard. Go to Settings > YourChannel. 2. Enter YouTube Username or Channel ID, then click on the Check button. YourChannel will create your channel’s preview below the form. Note: If […]

YourChannel Pro Version Installation

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

1. You will get all the credentials needed for the plugin installation in the email which you have provided while purchasing the plugin along with the zip file of the plugin. 2. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. 3. Click on the Upload Plugin button, it will display the screen as shown […]

YourChannel Free Version Installation

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

1. Go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. 2. Search YourChannel, click on Install Now. After installing, click on Activate to activate the plugin. 3. Go to WordPress Settings > YourChannel as shown in the below screenshot. 4. After installing the YourChannel follow this link to set up your first YouTube Channel.

Can I display multiple Youtube feeds on the same page?

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

Yes, you can display any number of feeds you want either on the same or on a different page. However, to do this, you must make use of the Tag option to give a unique tag to each feed during the YourChannel setup. You can find the Tag option in your YourChannel settings. Note: If […]

How To Embed YouTube Videos Based on Search Term or Keyword

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

YourChannel Pro version allows us to embed YouTube videos based on the Search Term or Keyword. To display youtube feeds from the search term add search=”what to search” to the shortcode. Add own=”1″ to shortcode if you want to restrict the search to your channel. You can also add channel=”” to shortcode to search from […]

How do I find YouTube channel ID?

February 2nd, 2021 by hemu

The YouTube Channel URL will be in the following format: The last part of the hyperlink is the ID of this channel i.e. UC29ju8bIPH5as8OGnQzwJyA  Below is an example: YouTube Channel URL: YouTube Channel ID: UCK8sQmJBp8GCxrOtXWBpyEA. For the video tutorial check out our video.