How To Customize YourChannel Settings
If you want to customize the default settings of YourChannel, then you are in the right place. It will be easy to customize your feed, if your know more details about the settings. This settings customization guide describes all the settings of the YourChannel plugin and will help you customize it to your needs.
- To customize the settings, go to Settings>>YourChannel in your WordPress dashboard.
- Now, you’ll see YourChannel Settings Form.
- It is recommended to create your own API key. If you don’t know how to create an API key, go through this step-by-step guide on How To Create YouTube API Key.
- Then, in the YouTube section enter your YouTube Username. Also, you can enter the Channel ID or URL instead of username. If you don’t know how to find channel id, visit our article on How To Find YouTube Channel ID.
- In the Tag section, you can enter a unique tag to create different settings with same username.
- In the GDPR option, tick the box Ask consent to show an overlay over your player. If you don’t want to enable this feature leave it as it is. Also, make sure to enter your Privacy policy URL. For more information on GDPR, visit GDPR in YourChannel.
- In Cache refresh section, choose the minutes at which you want your cache to be refreshed.
- Likewise, in the Show section you can enable/disable the features you want to show in your feed.
- Now, in Style section, click on Show Options to make changes in the style.
- You can choose between different styling layouts like Grid, List, Slider, Carousel, Sidebar Playlist. If you are not familiar with these layouts, visit How To Create Different Layout Styles.
- The Play icon option in Style section as shown in the below screenshot allows you to select a play icon on the video.
The 4 options provided are: –
-Show: Displays play icon above video thumbnail.
-Show on Hover: Displays a play icon when hovering over the video.
-None: Never displays the play icon.
-YouTube icon: Shows the red YouTube play icon instead of YourChannel’s custom icon.
- The Player option lets you control the video player.
The options provided are: –
-Inline: Displays player as the part of the main text.
-At Top: Displays player at the top.
-Lightbox: Displays player with a nifty lightbox effect.
-YouTube: Redirects video to YouTube.
-Meta: Provides you the option to show meta information(likes, dislikes, views, title) about the video/playlist.
-Description: Provides you the option to show the description of the video/playlist.
-Autoplay: Autoplays the next video.
-Preload: Preloads the video whose ID or URL you have entered. If left empty, the first video is preloaded. You also have the option to autoplay the preloaded video.
- The Comments option allows you to show or hide the comments of a video. For details on how to customize Comments settings, please visit YouTube Comments in YourChannel.
- The Sticky Player option allows you to enable the sticky player that sticks to different corner of your screen. For details on how to customize settings of Sticky Player, please visit Sticky Player in YourChannel.
- Similarly, you can display or hide the Single Line of the Titles option.
- The Default tab option allows you to select the default tab that you want to display on your website. It can be set to either Videos, Playlist or Search by selecting the respective radio button.
- The Ratings Style option as shown in the below screenshot allows you to show the ratio of likes and dislikes. You can use either a bar or a pie chart to show the ratings.
Note: – As YouTube recently removed the dislike button, this feature is of no use.
- The Pagination option sets buttons to toggle to previous and next page, if selected.
- The Subscribe button option shows a subscribe button along with your video/playlist. Click on Show to display the subscribe button and leave it as it is if you don’t want to show the subscribe button. For additional information, visit Subscribe button.
- The Custom CSS option allows you to add CSS styling codes of your own. Click on Pre-defined to see the predefined CSS code.
- Videos missing option should be checked only when there are some videos missing from the channel.
- Videos Per Load allows you to select the number of videos you want to load at one time.
- Also, choose the Max Videos you want to display at a time. If you don’t want to use this feature leave the space empty.
- The Default sorting option allows you to sort your videos on the basis of likes, views, latest video first, title, title in descending order. You can also select none if you don’t want any of these sorting options.
- The Search option allows you to restrict the search field of your user. If selected, user can only search videos/playlist of your channel. If not, then user can search throughout YouTube.
- Blacklists & Whitelists allows you to whitelist or blacklist any videos/playlist. For more details, please visit How Can I Blacklist or Moderate Youtube Videos in The Feed.
- Colors section allows you to add desired colors to videos/playlists background, video title, button text, button background.
- Social media section allows you to add links of your social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus, Twitch, Vimeo etc. Select your desired social media and click on Add button and insert the link to your social media.
- Finally, recheck all the changes you have made. If you are done, click on the Save button to save all the settings.
Note: – All the changes you made may not be seen while you preview the changes. But, it will definitely change on the main site.